How to Make tone of Dollars From Amazon KDP Without Writing Anything

A A Ahal


Preparation for Amazon KDP 

How to Make tone of Dollars From Amazon KDP Without Writing Anything 




 What is KDP, and how does it work?


 How to Get or Write a Book to be Published on KDP Press


 Creative Technology By KDP


 How To Publish KDP Book Technically


 How To Open A US Bank To Get Amazon Cash In Nigeria



 Amazon KDP is responsible for publishing and organizing.  For the first time, authors can self-publish a book with the click of a button, and "Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing" does the rest of the work. Reach out even to non-writers, especially to those who have encountered cultural barriers in the process of creating their books. And the process is interesting, especially when you want to ensure your book from start to finish, from design to publication.

 In this article , you will learn how to write a book and publish it with Amazon KDP.  Also, you will learn how to format books correctly, even if you have never written a book before.

 After reading this article titled DOLLARS IN THE PALM OF YOUR HANDS, you will be ready to publish your book on the "Kindle Store", and your book will be in the hands of readers, and you will earn income of dollars. 

Buy Amazon KDP Hausa: Dalol a Tafin Hannunka


 What is KDP, And How Does It Work? 

 Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is an Amazon-based book publishing platform that can be used to publish books online for readers to purchase, as e-books (  Ebooks) or (print - on-demand book). The page of Amazon KDP is the largest page that sells books.

 Thanks to the launch of Amazon KDP in the year 2007, modern writers have decided to become writers on the site. Amazon KDP is one of the largest publishing companies, currently holding at least 80% of the e-book market.

Writers in all fields have experienced ease of work in the past decade with the rise of many writing projects.  This simplicity has led to the development of "E-books", "Print books", and more, through self-publishing books.

 How Does KDP Work To Sell The Book? 

With "eBooks", authors can directly upload their book files, which appear on Kindle Stores as "eBooks" that readers can purchase and then download instantly.

 Authors upload their book files for publication, and KDP uses print-on-demand technology to publish books  after purchase; The printing fee is deducted from the rating fee you receive for each book sold.

 Straightforward process:

 #1 - Upload your textbook files into Amazon KDP.

 #2 - Publish your books on the KDP platform.

 #3 - Readers can instantly purchase your ebook and download it to their device.

 #4 - Readers can buy your book, and Amazon's KDP platform uses print-on-demand technology to publish your books after purchase and push them directly to the reader.

 #5 - Amazon pays a loyalty for every book sold on the KDP platform.

 Benefits of publishing books at KDP ; cost & royalty (value)

 There are many benefits to publishing your books on KDP.

 #1- Wide Distribution: Amazon's platform is huge, and it allows authors to access the international markets of America, Europe, Japan, etc.

 #2- Higher Royalties (value) : With Amazon, authors can earn higher royalties or values ​​than they do with traditional book publishers.  Depending on the book you sell on Amazon, the premium or royalties can be as high as 60%.

 #3- Copyright: Even if you publish your book on KDP, you retain the copyright of your book through Amazon's exclusive agreement.

 #4- Quick Time to Release Books : Usually, books can take a long time to reach the market, according to the publishing tradition.  But with the Amazon platform, the KDP publishing process is fast.

 #5- No "Inventory": Since time immemorial writers have been hard at work printing or copying books to sell them.  With print-on-demand technology, books are printed as they are purchased.

 KDP Publishing Cost AND Value / Royalty

 So what are the costs associated with listing a book on Amazon?  And how much do authors earn when they sell their books through KDP?  What about the payment system?

 In this section, we answer all these questions and more!

 How much does it cost to publish a book on amazon kdp?

 It's free to publish a book on Amazon KDP.  It doesn't cost the writers anything directly.  However, if you sell the printed book on Amazon, Amazon will deduct the cost of publishing the book from your premium/royalty fee.  That means that's all. 

 When you sell your printed book, then the cost of publishing the book will be paid.

 In addition to being able to publish to KDP for free.  Self-published authors often spend money on writing services to prepare their books for publication.  This includes tasks such as book cover design, layout, and editing. More on that, we will show you how to write books later in this book.

 How Do Kdp Royalties Work?

 "Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing" pays its publishers in the form of premiums or royalties.  There are two royalties to consider: eBook royalties and printed book royalties.

 The royalty rate for eBooks is either 35% or 70%, depending on the royalty rate your book qualifies for.

 The average royalties for a paperback (printed book) is 60% of the royalties.  You will receive a royalty percentage of the listing price of your book for each royalty.

 When does kdp pay?

 "Kindle Direct Publishing" pays you royalties every month.  You can choose your payment method from several options, including direct deposit, wire transfer, check, or Payoneer.  In our case, we will choose Payoneer; We will discuss it in the future, God willing.

 What is KDP select?

 "KDP Select" is a program that allows authors to give Amazon exclusive rights to sell their ebooks on the Kindle platform.  This means that the author's ebook will only be available on Amazon's Kindle platform, and the author cannot use any other website to publish books, that is, he cannot distribute his ebook on other sites.

 In exchange for exclusive rights to sell an author's ebook, Amazon offers the author incentives such as promotional tools such as "Kindle Unlimited" and potentially higher royalty rates.

 If you are considering KDP Select, KDP Select registration takes 90 days, so Publishers can automatically renew their KDP registration for an additional 90 days or more.

Amazon KDP Hausa ;Daloli a Tafin Hannunka


 How to Get or Write a Book for Publishing on KDP

 Often, what you have to do is write non-fiction books, and this kind of book goes very well.  Do you know why? The reason is because they are based on facts, so readers will be able to connect with them quickly.

 Unlike traditional fiction that doesn't have to be logical and true because then what you're going to write is not fiction!

 To start writing a book, you need to research and observe, and what I mean by research and observation here is to look at some of the books that are being bought and see what these authors write and how they put things together.

 Get a complete search for your book;  there are many ways you can go. Go to Amazon to find trending books in your browser;  Let's say for example you want to write about health, wealth, or relationships.


 You can check all the books you want by clicking "look inside" (Look inside) on Amazon to see what you can learn and write what interests you.  Check out the picture below;


 You may be wondering if this is how books are written!;  Yes, that's how you start until you master your craft and get it

opportunity to write on your own.  You see, everyone starts by gaining experience from those before them.

 What to check when preparing/composing a text

 Check the Best Seller Rank (BSR).


 Amazon's Best Seller Ranking (BSR) is a great way to measure product demand.  Best value for sale on Amazon. Usually, new sellers like you are looking for products with a purchase price of less than 5,000 or even 2,000.

 See customer reviews.

 Researching a product or book helps you spot the area where there is a small gap and differentiate yourself from the problem.  You can find the book you want to write about the good (review) and some bad (reviews); Look at what these knowledgeable people will tell you to write or edit, then write them down.


 For example, if a reviewer says, I like this book called "Trading Swing" but I thought it would explain in detail that is "how and when to quit trading," (How and When to quit Trading) then this  is one of the sub-titles of your book; Write it down to put it in your book.

 Research their titles (gurus) and slogans.

 Why are titles important?  The title of a book is the first thing readers see.  It should interest the readers of your book or give some information about your book.  A good title will capture the interest of readers without giving away too much of the story.

 Check out their book cover.

 Book packaging is of primary importance to readers.  Therefore, designing a book cover is one of the most important aspects of book marketing.  If the cover is not well designed, you will lose the deal.

Consider a professional cover by choosing from the best-selling cover and color, wording, and what you want.  But don't copy word for word because Amazon will understand.

 Check the font and color details

Make the cover stand out with an eye-catching image that matches the theme of the book.  Use easy-to-read text with speech to guide the reader from top to bottom. I'm sorry.

 After confirming all of the above, it's time to start writing your book.  Pay attention here, as we will reveal to you the unimaginable.

 Here you will find more resources for writing your book

Without wasting time, research the title or title you found on Amazon to see if the title you saw can be found elsewhere or on other sites.  Yes, PLR sites allow us to use their products to do something; when I say anything, I mean everything.

 If you want, you can use these books as freebies on your website or pages, and promote them for sale anywhere, including selling on Amazon!

 There are many PLR sites out there, but you don't need them all, so let me introduce you to FREE PLR DOWNLOADS.  This page does not require you to log in or enter your credit card; You will only download them.


So after we download it, we'll make it completely our own, and I'll show you how to do it quickly.

The downloaded book is in PDF format, and we do not use it as such.  We will convert it to WORD FILE format and rewrite it; Sometimes, if you're lucky, your download will contain an additional WORD FILE format other than the regular PDF, and if not, don't worry, we'll convert the PDF to a WORD FILE ourselves.  by following the steps below:

Go to Docfly has a free website where you can convert PDF to WORD FILE or vice versa.  In addition, you do not need to register or provide your bank card. To download the book for free with a simple format.

👉 Go to our channel Ahalancy Tech to watch the video

After we convert the "PDF" to "Word format", we will write it so that it will be special for everyone.  In this step, we will rewrite, rework and put our unique words using the following FREE TOOLS.

 Using free tools to write:

 PARAPHRASER- For writing.

 For most interior writers, the conversion tool is not a radical concept.  Let's accept it; We are addicted to these tools to create original and unique writing.

 There is no problem with the whole thing being written;  whether it's a blog, review, article, or app content, we all use translation tools to help.  Just watch this video for a simple process Ahalancy Tech

 GRAMMARLY AND PROWRITINGAID - To check your writing and editing and grammar.

Grammarly's template ensures that everything you write maintains correct spelling, grammar, making the text attractive, and easy to read.

ProWritingAid is a powerful editor that offers a variety of editing solutions to improve your writing style and grammar.  You can use ProWritingAid as a desktop app or sign up with Facebook or Gmail.

Like Grammarly, ProWritingAid helps you write better, and they have unique features.  Another thing to note is that the free Grammarly tool can rate your writing up to 85-90 percent, and when you put it in ProWritingAid, it corrects a few things here and there, from there, everything goes perfectly. 

Do not use Grammarly's plagiarism checker;  It does not work well. I will deal with that for you later.

 DUPLICHECKER- To check the uniqueness (Plagiarism) of your words.

Is this tool safe?  It does, with a 95% to 100% success rate.  You can take this to the bank because I use this tool all the time, and Amazon has never once rejected my book.  The DUPLICHECKER tool is better than Grammarly's plagiarism tool.

Put your text on the DUPLICHECKER tool, and if you find it is not unique, rewrite it or cut it if it still makes sense to you while reading the passage.

After all this, we will now go to the design of our book.  For proofreading and text analysis, watch this video from our Channel



 KDP Creative Technology

Since you know how to write now, let's get started on how to format and publish!

Note!: In this specific section, we will discuss the steps to prepare your KDP book, especially using Microsoft Word or Google Docs, the best programs.

 As the author of How to Format Books in WORDS FORMAT, I have found that WORDS FORMAT is a program that most writers are familiar with.

 If you don't want to use Microsoft Word or Google Docs, you can hire a professional eBook designer OR use other book design software.  But you don't have to, because I have already planned it in a simple and detailed way!

 Therefore, if you still want to do it yourself and in Microsoft Word, you can use the following steps to organize it properly!  Or follow the steps below.

 #1- Organize your book file using Microsoft Word

 If you are a publisher or a writer, you are probably already familiar with the utility

 WORD FILE.  If you are one of the few people who have never used Word, No problem!

 There is no difficulty in learning to use the program, and you can use Word Microsoft videos to learn about it.

 Formatting your book in a Word File for Kindle is really easy.  While there is technology that you need to know, it is not really a hard science.

 You may only design in accordance with the technical requirements of the Kindle device as directed by KDP.  And to be honest, these are not mixed things by any means.

 When I say that Kindle design is technical, I mean that there are specific ways of doing certain things and features that you may not be able to use.

 For example, you can't have text boxes in your eBook file because they don't have a place in the Kindle device.

 We explain how this part works in detail below.

 #2 - Organize your portfolio for KDP

 To publish or link a book to Amazon's KDP, your book's content must be formatted according to the KDP format.  Otherwise, you will have a problem or rejection.

 In addition to creating a Word File containing the content of your book, you will need to create a separate cover.

 Use these specifications for your cover when preparing your word files for Amazon KDP:

 The size of the cover must be at least 625 pixels on the shortest side and 1000 pixels on the longest side.

 Its best resolution is 2,560 x 1,600 pixels.

 The file format must be TIFF or JPEG.

 Amazon introduced "Kindle Create" is a tool, and the information on how to use this tool is in this book.  Isn't this a favorite?

 You can use "Kindle Create" to view your Word file, add special features to the text, etc., and then you can create a KPF file to upload to KDP.

 If you are having trouble viewing your Word file in Kindle Create, you need to make your changes in Word and try viewing it again in "Kindle Create".

 #3 - Use the familiar Kindle style/decoration

 Note the following if you have already applied fonts or text styles/decorations to the word file.

 Kindle does not recognize any of the following styles:

👉 Text boxes

👉Automatic numbering

👉Special fonts

👉 Headers and footers

👉Special word styles

👉 Tables of contents 

 You can use the following settings in your Word documents:

 👉 (Bold and Italics)

 👉 Indentation

 👉 Headings

 #4 - Organize your book for KDP

 Another important step in publishing your book file to KDP is to make sure that all the important information is formatted front and back.

 The 4 things you need to include or include in your KDP book plan are:

 #1 - Title Page

 #2 - Copyright Page

 #3 - (Table of Content Page)

 #4 - The Body of The Book

 #5 - Set up a KDP header page

 Your title page is the first part of your book that you need to publish on KDP.

 The title text will be centered on the first page, with the author's name below it, and the pages below the author's name have the copyright text.

 Things to check for the first page:

  • Is the title text centered on the first page?

  •  Is your "subtitle" interesting?

  •  Is your name under the title?

  •  Did you put a "page break" under the author's name?

 #6 - Post a copyright page

 You can place the copyright at the bottom of the home page as a separate copyright page.

 The copyright page may include:

 Copyright © [year] [author's name]

 All rights reserved.

 You can also add text like this;

 "No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including recording, photocopying, or any other electronic or mechanical means, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior permission in writing from the publisher. Except for very brief quotations in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law."

 Return your Book Summary to KDP

 Using "Using Word's automatic table of contents tool" works well once you've prepared your book format for publishing on KDP.

 Kindle Create converts table of contents data into hyperlinks to create a table of contents in your eBook.  But we will use manual only.

 Follow these steps to use the Table of Contents Tool in MSWord:

 #1- Place your cursor at the beginning of your text, after the title page or copyright page (if you don't have a blank page after the title page, add one for Kumshiya).

 #2- Click on the Reference tab.

 #3 - Go to the Kumsiyar button and press the down arrow.

 # 4- In the dropdown menu, scroll down and click on the Insert table contents option (option 1).

 # 5- For Mac users: then select Custom table of contents.

 #6- In the table content window, uncheck the "show page numbers box".  Since the Kindle does not display page numbers, this is not necessary.

 #7- Check Use "" "hyperlinks" instead of numbers check box.

 NOTE: This option is only available in Word on Mac version 16. That's it.  It is done automatically when you convert your file from Word to Kindle Create.

 #8 - Set up a dedicated page (but it's optional)

 If you want, put a dedication page after Kumshiya.  But this is not necessary.

 #9 - Places On Your Body / Inside Your Book

 After the first pages, you have the body/inside pages of your book.  This includes all the main content of your book, which is divided into chapters.

 What the body of your book will contain


 Chapters or Sections

 #10- Place a Page break on your page

 I always put a "page break" at the end of a chapter so that a new chapter starts on a new page.  However, this can be done at the end of the entire text. Page breaks make your book look neat and organized and improve the reading experience.

 To insert Page Breaks:

 #1: To insert a page break, put the mouse pointer where you want the page break;  for example, Introduction

 #2- Click on the Insert tab on the right side of your MSWORD and click on Page Break.

 #11- Create a summary with Chapter Subtitle

 Adding "chapter subtitle" is important to organize your book for KDP and to organize the contents of your book into moderate sections for easy reading.

 How to design your book cover for KDP

 #1- Choose your first chapter title.

 #2- Set the Alignment to Center.

 #3- With the chapter heading selected, right-click on Heading 1 from the Styles toolbar.

 #4- Select Heading Update 1 to match the selection!  Your chapter titles will now have this style in the Word file.

 #5- Using Heading 1 for your book, the chapter headings will appear in the table of contents (ToC) and will allow the reader to navigate your eBook.

 #6-Remember to put a page break after the last sentence of each chapter. That is, if you choose to put it after each chapter of your book.

 If that will give you difficulty in formatting, you can go to our Channel to watch video. 👇👇👇

 Ahalancy Tech

 Some people believe that if you publish a non-fiction book on Kindle Direct Publishing, you will most likely have pictures in your book.

 But in my opinion, it is not necessary;  These graphs, infographics, charts/graphs, or images increase the cost of publishing your books, which Amazon directs directly to you.

 What is the correct word length for a book in KDP?

 Buyers of Kindle books and readers do not have to worry about length when they want to buy a book.  The only thing that worries them is whether the book can solve their problems or not.

 Of course, buyers can be drawn in by a good cover, a catchy title, or an interesting description of a book and then commit to buying it.

 Quantity vs durability

 Let me elaborate on this step.

Let's say you want to buy a book on investing.  Both books are sold for the same price. Do you want to buy a 50-page book by Warren Buffett or another 500-page book?

 Do I think the answer is obvious?  I think you should worry about creating good content first instead of worrying about word count.

 The truth is that Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) doesn't have hard and fast rules about how long your Kindle book should be.

 There is no small or medium issue.  But they are very concerned about the quality of the books sold in the Kindle Store.

 By quality, I mean both content and presentation.  They have made it clear that all authors who publish a book on Amazon must pay close attention to the quality of their books.

 As a rule of thumb, remember that the words in a book can be more than 8,000 or even 10,000 because if someone buys your book and only finds 1,500 or 2,000, it doesn't solve their problem, they can report it to  Amazon.

 Please note that most KDP accounts in Nigeria are restricted, for this reason, so stretch your keywords to at least 10,000 words, and the best part is that you will get them (words) for free from the pages, which we recommend working with  .

Amazon kdp Hausa ; Daloli a Tafin Hannunka


 How To Publish Your KDP With Technology

 Now that your file is in the proper KDP format, it's time to start publishing!

 This section covers the steps to upload your book file to Kindle Direct Publishing and publish it on the platform.

 #1- Convert word files using Kindle Create, but I don't use or recommend this first option.

 #2- Prepare to publish your book on KDP, which is what we will use.

 Once your file is properly formatted and converted, you can publish your book yourself to KDP.

 Before opening the Kindle Direct Publishing page, make sure you have the files and information you need to complete the process.

 The information you need to self-publish your eBook is:

 #1- word files that are organized! (formatted Word files)

 #2- Big title and small title! (Book titles and subtitles)

 #3- Your cover photo (2813 x 4500 pixels)

 #4 - Your book description (write 4000 characters or less)

 #5 - Know your book categories.

 #6- Keywords (choose up to seven 7);  Two words with 1 meaning count as one keyword, for example, self-publishing counts as one keyword.

 #7- Your financial statement (to pay your royalties; that is, royalties)

 After finding the things outlined above, put them in a text file;  so that you can copy and paste when uploading your data and files.

 I hope it's all over?  Let's go tie up and hit...

 #3 - Complete the direct publishing steps on KDP.

 Publishing a Kindle eBook directly on a Kindle printer is easy.  It only takes a few minutes to enter your information and upload your files.  Your Kindle eBook will be in the Amazon Kindle Store within 12-72 hours if everything goes well.

 You are ready to publish your eBook on Amazon when you have all the information and files discussed in the previous section.

 There are two main steps when uploading your eBook files (Amazon calls these steps, but they're more like parts, that's why we call them that).

 In each section, there is a series of steps that we will follow.

 Part #1 - Your Book

 This section covers what Amazon considers "Level 1" for publishing on Kindle Direct Publishing.

 The first part of publishing a book in KDP consists of the following steps:

 #1 - Enter your book details

 #2 - Check copyright

 #3 - Show your book to customers

 #4 - Choose a print color for your book

 #5 - Upload or create a book cover

 #6 - File your book.

 #7 - View the book in Test Mode

 Enter your book details

 If you already have an Amazon account, you can log in to KDP with your credentials now: (Amazon KDP )

 After logging into your KDP account, the main dashboard will be displayed.  If this is your first Kindle eBook, the dashboard will be empty.

 #1 - Click the Kindle eBook button (Kindle Ebook) on the left side of the window/page.

 Note!  : Open the text file where you have the details of the book (book details);  You can simply copy and paste your data.

 #2: Select the language of your book from the language dropdown menu.

 #3 - Enter the title of your book in the Book title field.

 #4 - Enter the Subtitle in the Subtitle field if you have a series.

 #5 - If your book is in a series format, enter the series name and number in the appropriate fields for the series (Book Series).

 #6 - Enter the edition number in the Edition Number field.  If this is your first edition, you can leave this field blank.

 #7 - Enter your name in the First Author field.

 #8 - Enter your first and last name in the field below.  If you do not enter your name here, your name will not appear on your Amazon book page.

 #9 - Copy and paste the description of your book or write it in the "description" field.

 #10 - If you publish your book in the public domain, indicate that.  Again, this is not necessary.

 #11 - If you are publishing the original work you wrote, click the second radio button to indicate that it is not in the public domain.

 #12- The next section is your keywords.  Buyers can use these keywords to find your eBook on the Kindle Store or Page.

 You can enter up to 7 keywords - two keyword phrases count as 1 keyword, for example, "Self publishing" is considered 1 keyword, as stated earlier.

 #13- Click on the Set Text button (ie self category) and choose a category for your book, up to Category 2-3(2-3 category).

 Amazon defines the search category as the area of ​​the Kindle Store where users can find your book.

 #14- If your book is age specific (for example, children's books),

 select the age using the appropriate minimum and maximum option buttons.

 #15- If you are ready to publish your ebook, click the first radio button (I am ready to publish my book now).

 # 16- If you are not ready and want to use Amazon's pre-order service, click the second button: "Make my book available for pre-order."

 Upload or Download Your Files

 #1- Click on the appropriate button to select your option you want

 #2- Click the Browse button, select and upload your eBook Word file (.doc or .docx) to your hard drive.

 A message will appear after your book file has been uploaded.

 #3- Click the Start Cover Maker button.

 Be careful about designing your book cover: If you don't create your own good cover, you can use the Cover Maker tool in KDP. In fact, your book cover is very important.

 Especially if you are a self-published author, you should seriously consider hiring a professional book cover designer.  Call this number 09066551810 or click here to get a very good book cover for a low price.

 #4- When your cover image is available, click the Find Image button….  (find photo) Click Save changes (save changes) and continue with the button.

 #5- Click the Browser button, select your cover image from your hard drive or phone, and upload it.

 #6- You now have an option to view your Kindle book.

 If you created your KDP file using Kindle Create, you can skip this step since you've already previewed your eBook.

 #7- Click the Start Preview button.

 If you are satisfied with your eBook, you can click the Save and continue button.

 Alternatively, if you see something wrong, you can correct the error in your Word file and re-upload your file.

 Once you have completed all the tasks in Step 1, you can continue.

 Prices and Rights

 The second part of publishing your book on KDP focuses on copyright and pricing your book, as well as other strategies.

 The second step to publish a book in KDP includes the following steps:

 #1- Check out publishing sites

 #2- Set your price with a royalty

 #3- Book of Matches

 #4- Kindle Book Loans

 #5- Seeing the right - Kindle select

 You can decide whether to enroll in the KDP Select program after weighing its pros and cons.

 What are the Benefits of KDP Select?

 #1 - You get the highest royalties

 #2 - You increase the sales potential of your book

 #3 – You can reach a new (larger) audience.

 Areas of Publication of Books

 You can choose specific regions where you want to sell your book, but I suggest you choose the whole world (why leave it alone?) that's

 Click on the appropriate button World right - All Territories.

 Set Your Book Price in KDP

 Amazon recently introduced its new service, KDP Price Support, at the time of this writing.  However, you can check the prices of other similar books.

 For example, the following was submitted for one of our publications:

 KDP Price Support (Beta):

 "Based on historical data for KDP books similar to day trading profits! a list price of $2.99 ​​in a 70% royalty plan maximizes author earnings."

 #1- Click on the View Services button to see the prices of other books similar to yours.

 #2- At the bottom of the chart, you can accept the suggested price, reject it or return to the page you are in.

 # 3- If you do not agree with the suggested price, you will go back to the right and the price and you will need to enter the listed price manually.

 This is also direct;  Look at what others in your niche (your topic) have priced and make sure you're in the middle.  What does that mean? If Guru sells his 2.99 or 3.40, make sure you are in between.

 #4- Scroll down, look at all the prices and check for exclusives.

 #5- Book Loan allows customers to lend your book to friends and family for up to 14 days after purchase.

 #6- Once you are satisfied with everything, you can click the Save and Publish button.  If you are not going to publish your eBook, click the Save as Draft button.

 You should always be prepared.

 On your dashboard, you can see that your eBook status is now in Review, and you cannot access the details of your book.

 That's it: your book is now uploaded and published on KDP.

 Congratulations, you are now a self-published author on KDP!

 Kindle Direct Publishing now publishes your Kindle eBook.  It takes about 12 to 72 hours to publish or upload to the Kindle Store.

 Once everything is uploaded to KDP, you will receive an Email confirming that your book is available in the Kindle Store.

 Ebook and Paperback are almost the same steps to publish on Amazon.  The document also comes in handy after you fly through the ebook; you will use the ebook cover to create your paperback using amazon auto-create, which is straightforward.  Ok watch our videos from our Channel below; number 1 and number 2 for more understanding. Ahalancy Tech


 How To Open A US Bank To Get Amazon Cash In Nigeria

 We will use Payoneer: Payoneer is an online banking platform that allows you to send and receive money online.  With Payoneer, you receive your money from Amazon (US dollars) then into your Nigerian bank account.

 1. Visit the Payoneer website.

 The first step to open a Payoneer Account in Nigeria is to visit their website Pioneer sign up

 2. Click to register.

 Click on the registration button that you see on the website

 3. Fill out the registration form.

 Be sure to only provide detailed information.  Do not use a VPN or VPS; provide your basic Nigerian information found on your identity card.

 4. Verify your Email address.

 You will be asked to confirm your email address.  Log in to your Email and click on the Payoneer link!  (payoneer link!) I am happy.  You have a Payoneer Account!👏

Once you have a Payoneer Account, select your bank country place from the drop-down menu on the Deposit Method page and enter  to know the information that Payoneer provides in Amazon. You can watch video from our channel to understand.

 Payoneer makes it easy to manage your global Amazon business.

 Start Publishing Small Or Blank Books 

 You also want to start publishing blank books because it's easy to do, and what I mean is;  There are no contents in the books or maybe with little things in them, like notebooks.

 Since the process is easy using a PC or smartphone, if you want to start typing this in size.  Watch the video from our channel.


 You have no excuse since Amazon is so popular in publishing books, that they allow anyone to write and publish an ebook. The books can be purchased in any country where Amazon operates without the risk of creating a traditional publisher.

 According to Amazon, and I quote: "We are committed to supporting independent authors by helping them find readers and increase revenue from KDP publishing services."  So, let's take this help. Contact Us For Support If You Need Our Help;

 09066551810 to call or whatsapp

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